Books About Art, Melksham, Wiltshire

Guy from Books about art contacted me requesting images for his new website. Guy has an amazing collection of books ranging from photography, illustration, graphic design, fashion and many more.

We had an initial meeting to talk through some ideas and between us we put together a shoot list that would give Guy what he needed for specific areas of his site.

Guy had two requests for the shots of him, which I loved. The first being that he wanted to stick notes on the shelving using Sol Lewitt’s quote, “Irrational thoughts should be followed absolutely and logically.” The second was that Guy wanted to stand within his shelving unit in the studio, which he fits perfectly.

On the day we captured shots of Guy in his studio alongside product shots. (I added in an extra shot showing Guy sat and stood in the same image). Im really pleased with the results.

Product and Portrait Photography

Books About Art


Kerv Interiors, Leeds